Thursday, October 23, 2008

A note of Thanks!

As this course is ending, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who have been helping me all these while. Not to forget, Prof and tutors.
Thanks! I have learnt a lot!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wish you Luck!

Dear friends, wish you all the best in the coming examinations!

Peer to Peer University

After reading the blog posted by Zaid Ali Alsagoff, I went on searching more information on the net.

The Origin of P2PU?

5 academicians from around the world plan to open a new kind of online university built upon professor star power and students learning from one another through online social tools. The teachers are basically volunteers and the courses will cost next to nothing, and no official credit is given.
P2P University (for peer-to-peer) is started with the hope to fill what they see as a gap in online-education efforts by traditional colleges, which often focus more on delivering full degree programs online than on one-off courses. (Just like us) The project is running on a shoestring, with the organizers paying the initial Web-hosting fees and volunteering their own time, though they may seek grant support in the future.

I also came across that they actually faced failured initially such as the resistance faced from traditional colleges that won't like employees trading on their names and reputations.
But its leaders point to successful models like Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. They also say that the timing is right, now that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other major universities have established an audience for free online course materials. What the new university is adding is expert teaching. The effort somehow grows out of theoretical discussions at open-education conferences over the past two years. But in the past few months the five colleagues, who work at different universities, decided to flesh out their plan and put it into action.

Each student has to set up a profile on the university's Web site, much like on Facebook and Friendster, where they can show which courses they have taken or taught and communicate with other students.

I seriously think that we are moving very fast in today's world of education. I am not sure whether the P2PU can be implemented in Malaysia. As we know, Malaysia is still driving in second gear in education!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Soft skills that I have learnt from PKEY 3101

Time flies. It's the end of the semester.

I could still remember vivdly what I was expecting from this course in July and all the ridiculous thoughts that I had in mind. Initially, I thought technology could not be applied in real classroom because of timing, fund... So, why should I learn?

Everything was wrong wrong wrong! I have indeed learnt more than expected. I have learnt more about technology in classroom, materials that are created by using technology, interpersonal skill (which is a must for teachers)...

Communication played a major role in this course. Learning with friends are indeed very good but at times, there willl definitely be arguments, dissatisfaction... Hence, patience is one of the things that I have gained from this course. I have learnt to accept criticism, learn to be more considerate towards other people's situation. Communication was needed so that we were able to share our thoughts and ideas.

Critical thinking and problem solving - Yes. I have improved myself! I could still remember the first time I showed my video assgnment to Prof. Tonnes of questions were thrown to me and I couldnt utter a single word to defend my work! What a shame! 'Why do we need this when we can just deminstrate in classroom?' , 'Why do you use this colour?' , 'Why this?' and 'Why that?' Those questions were an alarm to me when I am doing assignments till today. A good lesson that I learned!

Team work - All our assignments were basically team work! I always like team work. Some people told me that individual work is better that working in a team! Well, I think there are pros and cons. Team work is very good because we can share ideas, exchange materials, discussion. Basically, team work allows us to use our strength to help friends who are weak in the area which we are strong in and vice versa. Cons? We have to again 'communicate' with each other to meet up and discuss. Well, for me, that is not a major problem if I dun have something on.

Leadership - When we elect someone as a leader, we should respect him or her. And as a leader, we have to be considerate as well. Leaders should not misuse their power. Leadership is important for us as future teachers. From this course, I learnt to respect and obey. At times, I think we have to voice out when we have a better idea. Leaders are human and human make mistakes!

Ethics and professional values were also being learnt! Every assignment taht we produced, we have to view and evaluate them from professional point of view. For instance, the materials we developed, are they humiliating other people's religion and culture, are we discriminating certain pupils... As teachers, we should be an all rounder and professional! We should be equal to all pupils' production. Just like what we did within our group.

Life long learning. Yes. Definitely. Making a video, using IWB are what I have learnt. Yet, I would not stop just there. I know the basic of these things and I think I can do better by exploring more on IWB and video making so that I can produce better production time to time. So, when I am doing my teaching in the future, I am able to produce something good.

Entrepreneurship. Erm. Can we sell our own videos? Well, I am too sure about this but I think if there's a chance when someday, MoE comes to me and asked me to create activites with IWB in classroom, maybe I can start my small business from there! Teaching materials such as videos, songs and so on. Perhaps it could be done in the future. But, if it wasn't this course, I don't think I will be able to learn all these precious knowledge!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Future Classroom - A reality?

After last week's lecture, I was so eager to know more about future classroom. I went home and started browsing the net and I found out that the term 'future classroom' is really far beyond my expectation. Perhaps, I am still living in my own world!

I would like to share with you the future classroom I found.

Pictures above are called Portable Classroom. It is something unbelievable for all the students and me, of coourse. It is a flatbed truck presenting a transportable classroom that is capable of offering sufficient ICT facilities which are usually not available with most of the schools. This concept is designed for school children in Canden outside of London. This mobile school will move from one school to another in order to explore music and film making. At a time this movable truck can hold 15 students. This classroom can be opened from all sides and then packed into a box while moving.
Can Malaysia have this as well?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fish Philosophy

Fish! Fish! Fish!
We have come across this words thousand and million times. But, Fish Philosophy? That's rather new to me. I was shocked when Prof threw a question to us beofre the raya break. 'What colour of underwear are you wearing? Do you choose the colour of your underwear?' Those questions were great opener of the lecture! Funny yet effective!
After reading the site recommended, I went on searching for more details on this philosophy and of course, I have made myself clearer regarding the fish philosophy concept.
There are 4 main principles in Fish philospohy namely:
a) play
b) make their day
c) choose your attitude
d) be there

Play - This does not mean goof off, but it does mean bring a light-hearted spirit to life. Think about how much little kids learn by exploring, experimenting, playing. Why shouldn't we all approach life with the same curiosity and interest? Besides, it is more fun!

Make their day - There are times when we keep on asking others ' What have you done for me?' But, have we ever thought that instead of asking people, we ask ourselves - 'How can I make his or her day?' If we were to turn the focus and do little things to make others feel good. Hence, we can have a powerful and positive impact on other people's lives.

Choose your attitude - many things in this world are uncontrollable and they are out of our hands at times. Somehow, we do have a choice on how we respond to the little things in life. By accepting responsibility for the attitude we choose, we also empower ourselves to change it.

Be there - When we are communicating with others, we have to focus on that very moment and also with the person whom we are communicating. We are responsible for 'being who we are while we are doing what we are doing'.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The END of my IWB journey!

Hurray! That's the end of it!
What a relief!
Last week (to be more accurate), was a horrible week for me. I was so busy with assignments and test that made me no time to update my blog!
I would say my IWB assignment is done 99.99%. If you were to ask me where is the other 0.01%, the answer is - last minute touch up to make it 100%. Hence, I would never say it is complete yet.
Coming out with own activities is not an easy task. Plus, using IWB, that made me very worried at times as we have to come out with rationales which was the toughest of all. Learning from others is crucial in university. Indeed, we helped each other throughout the process of learning and coming up with activities. We talk about ideas, we give comments ( in a nice way of course) ... The whole environment of learning was quite fun!
IWB has been drilling into my mind for the past few weeks. I really hope that the activities that I have created can be brought into a real classroom in the future. How many schools in Malaysia have a smartboard? Ahaks. I think a research has to be done! IF there is, I believe it is going to be wonderful.